Search Result

CodeTest Name
H072 RA Factor, Quant (by IT) 類風濕性關節炎因子(定量)
UK117 Rabies Antibody (RABI)
Y91326 Rabies Antibody Screen RFFIT
Y5789 Rabies Vaccine Response END-Point Titer
R046 RBC Folate (CMIA) 紅血球葉酸鹽
U056A RBC Morphology, Urine 尿液紅血球形態
Y4684 Recombx Car (Anti-Recoverin) AutoAntibody Test
Y4683 Recombx MaTa Autoantibody Test
IN15 Recurrent Implantation Failure 1 反覆胚胎不能著床篩檢一
IN12 Recurrent Miscarriage 1 反覆性流產篩檢一
U013 Reducing Substances, Stool 還原性物質,糞便
CM05 Renal Function Test 腎功能測試
CM05B Renal Function Test w/eGFR
Y16846 Renin Activity Plasma, LC/MS/MS
Y16053 Resistance to Thyroid Hormone Gene Sequencing
Y10286 Respiratory Allergy Profile Region IV
FL06P Respiratory PCR 2.1 Panel 呼吸系統病毒PCR檢查
H069B Reticulocyte Count 網織紅細胞計數
BP003 Retinitis Pigmentosa Panel (Large 159 Genes)
UK082 Rett Syndrome (MECP2 gene only) (GENE)
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  1. To comply with local regulations for medical testing, PathLab will not perform any laboratory tests for the purpose of diagnosis and/or treatment without a doctor’s referral. Please consult with your doctor if you wish to have laboratory tests performed.
  2. PathLab’s test menu includes some common referral tests to local and overseas labs in addition to tests performed in-house.
  3. Some tests are known by multiple names. Try searching full or abbreviated names, e.g., complete blood count is also known as CBC, SARS-CoV-2 is also known as COVID-19, or the test’s keywords. Please check your spelling.
  4. PathLab’s test index is for reference only. We reserve the right to make changes, add or discontinue tests without notice.
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