Search Result

CodeTest Name
M530 C/St for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria 無症狀菌培養
M130 C/St for Bacterial Vaginosis 細菌培養及葯物敏感測試
M140 C/St for Group B Streptococcus B型鏈球菌培養
M460 C/St for Group B Streptococcus B型鏈球菌培養
M540 C/St for Group B Streptococcus B型鏈球菌培養
M100 C/St, Genital 生殖系統菌培養
M300 C/St, Miscellaneous 細菌培養
M330 C/St, Pregnancy 細菌培養
M200 C/St, Respiratory 呼吸系統菌培養
M400 C/St, Stool 糞便菌培養
M500 C/St, Urine 尿液菌培養
Y297 C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Functional
Y298 C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Protein C1酯酵素抑制因子
CM01B C12 + CR01 生化測試十二項+血脂組合
CM01 C12, Fasting 生化測試十二項
CM01A C12, Fasting or Random 生化測試十二項
CM02B C15 + CR01 生化測試十五項+血脂組合
CM02 C15, Fasting 生化測試十五項
CM02A C15, Fasting or Random 生化測試十五項
CM03B C20 + CR01 生化測試二十項+血脂組合
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  1. To comply with local regulations for medical testing, PathLab will not perform any laboratory tests for the purpose of diagnosis and/or treatment without a doctor’s referral. Please consult with your doctor if you wish to have laboratory tests performed.
  2. PathLab’s test menu includes some common referral tests to local and overseas labs in addition to tests performed in-house.
  3. Some tests are known by multiple names. Try searching full or abbreviated names, e.g., complete blood count is also known as CBC, SARS-CoV-2 is also known as COVID-19, or the test’s keywords. Please check your spelling.
  4. PathLab’s test index is for reference only. We reserve the right to make changes, add or discontinue tests without notice.
  5. The test schedule for in-house tests is indicated for each test under search. Upon completion of all requested tests, a complete test report will be issued.
  6. Report TAT for referral tests varies; please call to enquire.
  7. If you still cannot find what you are looking for, it may not be available in Hong Kong. Please check these other websites :